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Mr. Ernest Koh

Early Intervention Teacher

BA (Psych)

Ernest graduated from Nanyang Technological University with an Honours degree in Psychology and is pursuing a Master's degree in Guidance and Counselling at James Cook University. Before joining the SKILT centre, Ernest worked as a teacher in a special education school, where he amassed experience working with children of diverse needs. These included children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Down Syndrome, Global Developmental Delay and Intellectual Disability.

Ernest is passionate about meeting children's needs through intervention, collaboration with their families, and engaging other stakeholders. He fosters a nurturing environment by building strong bonds with each child under his care. He also firmly believes that parent well-being greatly influences child outcomes.

Apart from teaching, Ernest also leads Parent Support Groups for parents of children with special education needs as a parent counsellor at The SKILT Centre.

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